05 September 2010

From the Ninth Level

"I come not to preach but to teach.

"I come from the ninth level of which there are sixteen.  My purpose in coming is to allow you to absorb your thoughts into one massive ball of energy so that you can see where that lies and where that takes you.

"The energy of that ball either rises or falls according to the plusses and minuses of your thoughts.  We are instrumental in helping those negative thoughts to dissipate, so that you can rise into your wildest dreams to a higher level of consciousness.

"We instruct you to help yourself to find a way as is right for you as the individual.  What is right for one is not necessarily right for another and there can be a conflict between the two.

"So my instruction to you is just to allow the powers that be, the angels and the archangels in the hierarchy of the spiritual beings, to conduct their mission through you to bring enlightenment so that you can see your pathway clear before you.

"At times that pathway is obscured to your vision.  That is necessary because we have not put into place all that is necessary for that purpose and adjustments have to be made in order for you to go in a straight and orderly way.

"You must look to your own feelings and your own consciousness.  Those fears and aspirations are sometimes in conflict and it is that conflict that we are here to look at today, so that you can go forwards in a more positive way instead of going backwards and inwards within yourself. 

"When a person goes inwards their fears overtakes them.  They become withdrawn, shy, fearful.  When they are positive their mind is able to expand at an alarming rate.  Positive thoughts are given to them.  Their antennae is up and running.

"They are receptive to our generous offers.  They see things in a different way.  Their understanding is better organised and they feel the presence of the Almighty all around them.  That way they are geared to go forwards.

"They do not pretend.  They just know that that is the right and honourable way to be.  Outside problems come in and we feel threatened in our existence.  This is where balance has to occur and where with our ball we must remove that negativity, so that the positive aspect can then rise again.  Like the healing rhythm it needs that upward lift, a generation of influence to come in, so that we can see in the right and upward way.

"You know yourself and you have done well.  You expect rewards and rewards are given to you.  When you are closed in your mind all become threatened and insecure.  We now are on the right pathway – all of us, we have been chosen wisely.

"We accept those challenges are set before us.  We bring with you much laughter, fun and a spirit of intelligence that will take us all forwards.  We know that nothing can fail.  We are all survivors here, extraordinary world of energy plus and minus.

"Allow your thoughts now to become secure knowing that the pluses will take you forward the minuses are retrograde.  None of us can afford to go backwards.  It has taken a lifetime in order for us to get where we are today and another lifetime and a lifetime after that to take us on and more.

"We will survive.  We are at peace and we know, like the bubble, we are taken care off.  We are looked after.  All the supplies that we are in need of are given to us.  It comes in from all different directions.  Never are we without.

"The energy force that surrounds us is always in balance and where there is a deficit there will always be a positive, so where we are lacking in one sense we always gain in another.  What we want to look at is the negative.  Are we able to let it go?

"Can we disperse it in some way, so that it no longer affects us or do we hold on to it with a sort of feeling of fear?  "I must have this negative feeling."

"The answer is, "Does it do me any good?"

"The answer is always, "No!"

"So being positive remain in a light, which I appreciate is not always easy.  The tangle of conflict remains, but allow yourself to rise when you can and know that we are always in balance.  We are always looking after you.

"Nothing can be disrupted without a reason.  We are here now to follow this path, to take you forward into this new life and chapters you are going to face, each and every one of you.  Accept the pathway.  Know that through the Lord you are saved.

"Even the little ones, who are always afraid of where they are going to be, are looked after.  The evidence is clear to see.  We praise you for your hard work and we know that you are sometimes in much conflict, but out of that conflict new light is born.

"The positive always emerges out of the darkness and like the bubble you will rise.  You are raised again.  Learn to know that you are always in the Godhead's wisdom and love.  Know that you, like us, will go forward.

"We are all on a rising vibration.  We all have the love and intent in ourselves.  Therefore because of that, and only because of that, will we evidently rise and rise again.  I leave you with those thoughts.  Amen."

From the Ninth Level
Friday, 3rd September 2010

04 September 2010

You Chose to be a Light

"You have no need to be weighed down by the negative thoughts of what might happen.  These are of no purpose.  They are of no use.

"If you are unable to change the direction in which you are proceeding what is the point of looking to the left or the right when your direction is forward?  What comes behind you is past.  It is gone forever.  It has been experience of opportunity and that is all.

"You have taken situations that have arisen on your life's journey and you have made the best of what there was there.  You can do no more, but to move on and to direct your attentions to what needs to be done today, for tomorrow will be a different course according to the way that you have elected to act today.

"It is only the now, my friends, that holds any sway.  Everything outside the now is of no account, so I have come to say to you what I believe you really know deep within your hearts and that is to allow spiritual progression to carry you forward, but in greater trust and not looking to the left or to the right in the fear that the wheels may come off this spiritual wagon.

"God has created the whole Universe and all the Laws that hold the planetary system together and all the souls of his making are where they are meant to be, within a little of their own judgement.

"So why should it concern you that the wheels of your immediate future may become derailed?  Do you not understand that the Creative Force is of a great magnitude and is based on the intensions of good and the good, which comes from the light, penetrates the darkness?

"The darkness does not penetrate the light.  If you light a candle on a dark night, does not the flame illuminate the area around it and push the darkness away?  The darkness cannot creep in all the time there is wax for that candle to burn and a taper to hold its flame.

"God is a great permanent light that pushes away the darkness from those who love him and who journey with good intensions.  You can never fail if you walk in the light of the Almighty and the darkness to your left and to your right can never come closer.  It is only your fear that makes you think that it can.

"Believe in all that is in your heart.  Take your mind and fill it with thoughts of goodness, so that the goodness of the future is guaranteed to come to you.  You cannot fall.  You have not the mechanism within to fall, because you are good and you carry the light of the Almighty with you, always and forever on this journey.

"You chose to be a light – if you like to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy Kingdom Israel.  It is the same.  Labels do not matter, but the light that comes to lighten the darkness of those who cannot see, is a light so strong that it has to be protected by all the saints that God has created within his Heavens and they extend into the minds of his children, who work tirelessly for him and for his glory.
"Do not forget that you are among those and have great works still to do, so why should you worry about what is to your left and what is to your right when your purpose is illuminated by the Father, who made you and everything within this great universal encampment of love.
 "Go forward in peace my children.  Love God.  Stay in the light.  There is nothing that can change your destiny, now or in the future.
"Go together in peace and know that you are loved by so many and there will be more when those on this plane of existence can see your light and take a little of it into their lives, to lighten their own pathway to the Godhead, because that is where we all go in love and harmony carrying the truth and the wisdom of experience, so that we may help others along this pathway who are not as fully equipped as you both are.
"God bless you and go in peace.  Fear not.  Fear is always removed by love and you glow with love, so be not afraid.  Amen."

Tu San
Friday, 3rd September 2010

23 August 2010

I Come to Bring You Peace

"I come to bring you peace," said the communicator bringing The Philosophy of the World.

"Know that there is no depth to your fears.  You are well looked after in these Realms.  You have earned the position into which you are placed.  Nothing can go astray.  Nothing can be changed.

"The Laws of God are finite.  What you put in to life, so you will receive and you have put in plenty to secure your future and know that as your guide walks beside you, he progresses in the light of your understanding.

"He cannot move forward to higher things until he has with you attained them, so it is not in his best interests or yours that you should slip back into old ways.  The past has been removed and you walk forward in the new light of discovery, so that your light can shine out to show others the way, who have not yet drawn away the curtains of ignorance that surrounds them.

"You no longer are kept in the darkness.  You no longer need to look to the light.  The light is already within you and it shines forth as the beacon of knowledge and hope for other people to be guided along their pathway.

"So why should you fear that there is something that is going to hold you back or move you sideways?  You are already on a pathway that is taking you forward and upwards into the Light of the Almighty, who carries all good things and is the Peace of All Understanding and Wisdom, so that you may achieve your flight to fancies, your dreams, your realities.

"They will happen.  If you believe enough in where you want to go, who you want to take with you, who you are going to address and illuminate by your understanding and your majesty and then these things will come to pass.

"And those who walk with you will be enlightened and together your light will grow brighter and shine out so that all may see it.  Be of good cheer.  Know that you are loved.  Know that you are special, because you have been chosen from On High to do mighty things, to start revolutions, to tear back the curtains of ignorance, to bring peace upon the Earth so that those who come later will come and not have to suffer, as you and many others have done.

"Be at peace.  Remember the good things in life.  Those things that are negative put away and remember you cannot fail.  There are too many, invisible to you that carry you forward into God's light and justice and peace for ever more.


The Philosophy of the World
Friday, 20th August 2010

20 August 2010

Love is Everything, Fear is Nothing

"My name is Tu San."

 "I have come back again to bring you a little more of my philosophy."

"This is the philosophy of Spirit and not my personal property, but I have been on big adventure around this world in spirit form for many thousand of your years looking at the problems that face individual souls who live there.

"Fear is the greatest of all negativities.  Fear is what holds a soul in torment to a lesser or greater degree.  If you fear the future you cannot make decisions that have to be made with an open mind.

"You fear what might occur and it has to be said that one must wait and face the decision that has to be made when the facts are known to that soul.  To look into a looking glass and to see ones self can be frightening!

"We all like to think that we are young and good looking still, but every morning as the face appears in the looking glass, look into the eyes and see deep through them what is in your mind.

"If you are afraid how can you move forward?  How can you face what you do not know?  You trust in those who guide you, but in order to guide a soul one has to be able to look within and to see what holds them where they are.

"Many souls are in bondage.  Many souls fail to face their future when the time is right.  Many souls are afraid of taking the responsibility that is there for each and every one of us to do what has to be done when the time is right.

"So I would simply like to say to you, you both have many situations still face.  Be strong.  Believe that you are not alone.  Know that many walk with you, who would not let any harm come to you.

"Not a hair of your head will be hurt when you have the right intensions and live your life to the fullest of your abilities.  Fear nothing.  This is what you are here to learn.  Love is everything, fear is nothing.

"God bless you."

Tu San
Thursday, 19th August 2010

09 August 2010

A Little Enlightenment into the Dis-ease from the Symptoms of the Mind into the Physical Body

"I bring greetings to you from the World of Spirits, the invisible source of power and energy beyond your physical existence," said a communicator, who much later told Michael that he could call him Dr. Robinson.

"I have come to bring you some little enlightenment into the dis-ease, which comes from the symptoms of the mind that cause the physical manifestations of the body.

"So much of what is seen and misunderstood is directly coming from the attack of negativity in many forms that force themselves, often under great pressure onto the delicacy of the mind, which is the essence of spiritual life.

"Within this body the mind is confined into a very small area of existence and it directly controls the physical brain, which is the working mechanism between the mind and the body.

"The brain has much control over the body of itself in as much as the mind doesn't have to tell it to move the limbs when you walk or to expand and contract the lungs when you breathe.  This is automatically done from the control centre of the brain.

"But the soul which houses the mind is of a higher power, which controls and gives thoughts or orders to the physical brain in much the same way that you would give commands from your mind to a computer to carry out various functions.

"The computer is programmed already as is your brain.  The mind is all that lives.  It is the being, it is the essence and it can only expand through your aura and according to your spirituality can reach out beyond your body to certain distances.

"At night your mind is focussed upon the Spirit Realms and there you will go in learning and in expanded form, while the body rests controlled automatically by the brain as a sort of remote pilot.

"It keeps your body ticking over when you can expand your mind through thought to be elsewhere, to be recharged, to be educated further and to proceed on your learning curve towards the wisdom and love of the Father, who gave you this life and allows you to continue it.

"In earthly body the mind is under a great deal of pressure from without and from within.  You create your own thoughts.  You allow doubts and fears and jealousies to invade the peace and love and security of your own being, your own mind.

"And if you are unable to control the pattern of these negative thoughts/vibrations that come from without, you can cause damage to the essence of your mind, which are reflected within your aura and can be seen by those privileged to see in a different range of vibrations or colours.

"According to the severity of the attack upon your mind so the thoughts that are issued to the brain become strong and often negative and disrupt the programme of the sweet running of the brain to govern the body.

"It is through these disruptive and negative thoughts of pressure through pain or fear that physical damage can be caused to your body, which will inevitably be misunderstood by those medical people who do not have the advantage of a spiritual education.

"The only remedy is to remove that source, what has caused the disruption of the smooth running of the systems and this you, as healers, are empowered to do by applying your energies to the energies that we bring from On High, so they mingle as the Father dictates the mix of the rays of the energies, which can reduce and in time remove the damage that has been done.

"It is always done bearing in mind the Laws that dictate the difference between what that soul has brought upon themselves as opposed to what has been put in their pathway, which they have not been able to surmount and conquer on their own.

"And so I leave you at this point with I hope a few thoughts of wisdom for you to ponder, to expand your knowledge about the workings of the Father, which are the very Laws that keep this Universe which he has made in such beauty and regular balance, so that all may live in unconditional love and harmony if they will only allow their minds to accept the true reality of all that is.

"Thank you for listening.  I hope my words have brought you a little further understanding, because you both have so much to give and so much to do in helping to bring about this great change, this revolution of thinking, which must occur so that Mankind can survive on this planet and those who wish to change and appreciate the truth can rise and those who are not must fall until their minds are changed at whatever level of understanding that has to be.

"God bless you.  Keep on with your work and be at peace knowing that you are loved and protected and if your thoughts are pure in the Father nothing can damage your minds as you work for him in the light of love, which he gave to you.  Amen."

Dr Robinson
Friday, 6th August 2010

07 August 2010

Wisdom and Understanding about this Plane of Existence

“My name is Tu San and I have come from the Far East to bring you wisdom and understanding about this plane of existence in which you are for this moment in time resident on.  I have been a long time away from this earth plane as I lived many of your thousand of years ago before the coming of the great teacher Jesus, who came to prove to Mankind that life was eternal and that once the great Father had made us and given us life we could never have it extinguished.

“We move on out of the body, but when we pass from the light of this world we have to go through the darkness before we can emerge completely into the light of the heavenly Father. So few understand this.  So many live for themselves.  So few enquire into their future existence.

“Since my time materialism has spread like a cancer across the face of this little globe, which is but a small part of the great Universe that our Father created all that time ago.

“He has not stopped giving life.  More come into the Spirit World in which I now live, new souls are born into the Spirit and they spend time preparing themselves by experience to produce their uniqueness, their personality, their experience of existence of love and of good things.

“You my dear friends will not remember, because it was taken away from you before you came, but you were invited to experience the negative energies of this little globe tucked away as it is near the bottom of the ladder, which we all attempt to climb towards the Godhead of Love and Wisdom.

“Into this world many come, forgetful of their past and uninterested in their future and bullied by so many who wish to be powerful and control these people like ants around the nest. 

“These few, these big tyrants who lived, some in China and some elsewhere in these early days, controlled vast thousands of souls, who simply allowed themselves to be trapped into an existence of such negativity that they had no time or thought to escape or to move on in learning.

“These times are not so hard from the physical now, because Mankind has been blessed with many easy things.  There is enough food to go round if it is shared.  There is enough water for all if it is not polluted.  There is enough shelter if people will band together and allow all to come in the common cause.

“But dear friends, the time is coming when the next step from this planet is so full of those who do not understand that the decision has been taken from On High that mindsets on this planet have to be changed, because they are polluting the souls who come and so few get a chance to really live and understand how they can share and be together.

“I have been assured that you all here in this little circle have most important work to do and I have come bearing the little wisdom I have and have tried to share with you, but also to encourage and to ask you to keep working hard looking into the Spirit for light and love to share around you and where there are souls who will listen, explain to them that God is good and is the reason why this Universe hangs together by his laws, his love and his wisdom.

“Do not give up.  Many depend on you.  For every soul that you show the direction to, so they can show another and movements will be formed and nations will change their thinking and new tides of energy will lighten this little plane of existence so that those who can change and be ready will be lifted and they will succeed in finding the way to unconditional love and succour and those who have polluted the light and who will not turn will find they have no standing and they will fall.

“You cannot help those who do not wish to come into the joyous light of the Father, but look after all those who will and form a merry band of pilgrims, so that in your way you do the great work that is asked of you.

“You are doing so well, which is why we come from Spirit to encourage you.  You are well looked after.  There are many behind each and every one of you who form your protection, your direction and your purpose and as you progress further you will be shown more so that you can help more.

“My energies are depleting and I must step back.  Thank you for listening to me.  Praise God and help your fellow man.  They are in so much need.  Amen.” 
Tu San
Thursday, 5th August 2010