"I bring greetings to you from the World of Spirits, the invisible source of power and energy beyond your physical existence," said a communicator, who much later told Michael that he could call him Dr. Robinson.
"I have come to bring you some little enlightenment into the dis-ease, which comes from the symptoms of the mind that cause the physical manifestations of the body.
"So much of what is seen and misunderstood is directly coming from the attack of negativity in many forms that force themselves, often under great pressure onto the delicacy of the mind, which is the essence of spiritual life.
"Within this body the mind is confined into a very small area of existence and it directly controls the physical brain, which is the working mechanism between the mind and the body.
"The brain has much control over the body of itself in as much as the mind doesn't have to tell it to move the limbs when you walk or to expand and contract the lungs when you breathe. This is automatically done from the control centre of the brain.
"But the soul which houses the mind is of a higher power, which controls and gives thoughts or orders to the physical brain in much the same way that you would give commands from your mind to a computer to carry out various functions.
"The computer is programmed already as is your brain. The mind is all that lives. It is the being, it is the essence and it can only expand through your aura and according to your spirituality can reach out beyond your body to certain distances.
"At night your mind is focussed upon the Spirit Realms and there you will go in learning and in expanded form, while the body rests controlled automatically by the brain as a sort of remote pilot.
"It keeps your body ticking over when you can expand your mind through thought to be elsewhere, to be recharged, to be educated further and to proceed on your learning curve towards the wisdom and love of the Father, who gave you this life and allows you to continue it.
"In earthly body the mind is under a great deal of pressure from without and from within. You create your own thoughts. You allow doubts and fears and jealousies to invade the peace and love and security of your own being, your own mind.
"And if you are unable to control the pattern of these negative thoughts/vibrations that come from without, you can cause damage to the essence of your mind, which are reflected within your aura and can be seen by those privileged to see in a different range of vibrations or colours.
"According to the severity of the attack upon your mind so the thoughts that are issued to the brain become strong and often negative and disrupt the programme of the sweet running of the brain to govern the body.
"It is through these disruptive and negative thoughts of pressure through pain or fear that physical damage can be caused to your body, which will inevitably be misunderstood by those medical people who do not have the advantage of a spiritual education.
"The only remedy is to remove that source, what has caused the disruption of the smooth running of the systems and this you, as healers, are empowered to do by applying your energies to the energies that we bring from On High, so they mingle as the Father dictates the mix of the rays of the energies, which can reduce and in time remove the damage that has been done.
"It is always done bearing in mind the Laws that dictate the difference between what that soul has brought upon themselves as opposed to what has been put in their pathway, which they have not been able to surmount and conquer on their own.
"And so I leave you at this point with I hope a few thoughts of wisdom for you to ponder, to expand your knowledge about the workings of the Father, which are the very Laws that keep this Universe which he has made in such beauty and regular balance, so that all may live in unconditional love and harmony if they will only allow their minds to accept the true reality of all that is.
"Thank you for listening. I hope my words have brought you a little further understanding, because you both have so much to give and so much to do in helping to bring about this great change, this revolution of thinking, which must occur so that Mankind can survive on this planet and those who wish to change and appreciate the truth can rise and those who are not must fall until their minds are changed at whatever level of understanding that has to be.
"God bless you. Keep on with your work and be at peace knowing that you are loved and protected and if your thoughts are pure in the Father nothing can damage your minds as you work for him in the light of love, which he gave to you. Amen."
Dr Robinson
Friday, 6th August 2010
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