22 August 2014

When I Was King

“I am here today to bring you greeting.  I lived much time ago in what I believe you call the Dark Continent.

“I was tall with skin of ebony that shone in the sunlight and I was King to my people and they worshipped me as if I was God and in those days I was God.  Whatever I said was done and I was strong, I was healthy and I was able to give my people what they needed.

“The hunting was good.  The rains filled the rivers and we made shelter when we needed it from the burning rays of the sun and from the rain when it came bringing the wind and the thunder and lightning.

“As the heavens seemed to break open and pour down good things as the water quenched the parched land and grasses and trees grew again and the animals came and there was much joy, because our bellies would be full and our children would be happy and we lived in harmony with those around us and there was peace and good will and I was King of all this perfection.

“I now know that this was gift from the Great Spirit, who created all things, but in those days I did not know this.  I was powerful.  I was fruitful and my people loved me.  There was no need for aggression.  Everybody had enough and we lived simply enjoying what we had and enjoying each other’s company.  I was perhaps a little stiff necked, but I was King and I could look down on the happiness of my people and that made me feel good inside.

“Can this earth ever be the same again?  Can the influences that have crept in to the mind-sets of so many people be changed back to the simplicity of what we had?  Who is satisfied today?  In this modern world in which you live where you have so much and yet have so little.  You have incredible things that make life easy.  No longer do you have to walk for miles through the bush if you wish to go and worship on the mountain or to find a different meat to bring home to your family.

“You are now transported on a metallic trolley of wheels.  You no longer have to hunt, because there is a big box containing all the food that you could ever possibly want.  So why are you not satisfied?

As a race humanity has become greedy.  It teaches the children of the younger age to fight and be aggressive and they believe that that is a good thing.  They fight each other as children.  They fight each other as young men.  They spill the blood that our Creator made – the live blood of creation is spilled on the soil and goes back into nothing, but to be recycled again to grow the grass or the acacia trees to feed the animals which are there, who have survived the slaughter either for their body parts or sometimes because they happen to be there.

“When I was King the animals around us where plentiful.  We shared a place on earth with them and they with us.  Today it is often the case that people find it difficult to find the animals, because there are so few.  They are kept in special areas, almost like reserves and if they stray outside they are endangered.

“When I look back on the joys that we had, the birth of a new child, it was something that we all shared in and we were all happy for that woman who had born it and her man who provided for her.  We made a fuss of them for a while until the next baby was born.

“We loved the crying and the laughter and the merriment of the little ones, who entertained us and brought us joy and we watched them grow up in this simple life, becoming youngsters, then older, then stronger, testing their strength, growing into manhood, without aggression to each other.

“They competed for things. They played games, but the games had no cruel ending.  They always ended in laughter and joy.  This world I am told will have to go back to those simple days again to rebuild and to recharge what has been broken.

“We knew what was right, because we understood what was wrong and if we felt we were doing something wrong then we had strayed from the right path.  Mankind has to learn this lesson anew, because he only appears to know what is wrong and can’t find a reason for doing something that is right and just, balanced and pure for the Greater Good.

“You, I am told, are good people.  You do not lord yourselves over others, but you give of yourself as we did and try always to make things better for everybody who comes in your path.  I salute you for that.  Perhaps you haven’t been saluted by a King before, but I have been shown what you do and you deserve the accolade, which I freely give.

“Know that you are loved.  Many on this earth know of you and love what you do and very many more in the Spirit World are learning what they failed to learn when they were here by watching and understanding your lives of purity and service.

“Be at peace.  Be not afraid. You are well protected and secured and your path is taking you to a destiny that must be fulfilled.  You cannot fail.  You will succeed, because of the strength of your love and the spirit within you will help to bring sanity to this disrupted world.
“I send you my Creator’s blessings and I wish you well and much happiness on your paths of great achievement.

“Blessings be upon you.” 

Words from the Norse

“The world has changed a great deal since I last came,” he said.  “I lived in the North by the lakes and survived by my hunting skills.  I killed beast and fish for my tribe and my family.  We lived in Norse Land, what you might call Norway today.  There were many mountains.  There were sunny times of year and there were dark times too, but we learned how to survive, how to make shelter.  We learned how to keep food when it was dark and cold, so that there was always something to eat and to sustain us.

          “You people today would find it a hard life, but we were happy.  We had no enemies.  We had all that God sent us that we needed.  We had meat.  We had skins. We had shelter, for apart from the crude shacks that we put up in summer we found caves for us in the winter.  We did not live as long as you do, but we shared what we had and all looked after the children and old people.

          “We lived in harmony.  We did not fight each other.  What was there to fight for?  There was enough of what we needed and we respected the life that we took so that our lives could continue.  We gave thanks for what we had, knowing that God, whatever he was, wherever he was, was there somewhere, who gave us love and laughter and each other.

“We formed some relationships, some families, but we always stayed fairly close together.  There was safety in being close.  When you are with those who you love, who love you, you do not know fear.  You do not know greed, because there is enough and you do not know of other things that you had not experienced, but in the marketing world today you are told that you need to go out and buy.

“Our life was simple.  It was satisfactory.  We had stones and bones and wood to make what we needed.  We found time to play, especially with the children and we taught them through games in life how to survive in this world that was not cruel.  It was not harsh.  Sometimes it was warm.  Sometimes it was hot.  Sometimes it could be very cold, but we never put ourselves in the way of being unhappy about the extremes, so if the wind blew we sheltered in the caves.

“If it rained heavily we simply moved to higher ground.  We made ourselves comfortable with what we had and we gave thanks to whoever created it all.  Whoever gave us what we needed, whoever kept us safe and we respected each other and we shared what we had and there was peace and harmony.

          “Somewhere along the line Mankind has forgotten these simple truths.  He is vicious.  He is selfish.  He only thinks about himself and he wonders where all the greed and hatred has come from, because he has turned away from the truth. The needs of survival, the family values and there was the Creator that made it all possible and gives us what we need, if we turn and give ourselves to him, so that we serve his great love.

“Even if we cannot see him we know he is there, because if we are honest with ourselves, wherever we look, there is a Higher Intelligence who has mind and wisdom way, way above our puny intellects and yet today, like spoilt and miserable children, Mankind runs riot to take what he doesn’t need, to deprive others of what they have got and to take pleasure in killing, destroying and moving on, leaving behind pain, famine and misery and destruction.

“Time is near to coming, when it may be that all the destruction will wipe away the so called progress of civilisation and famine and drought and disease will conquer this earth plane.  It was once so luxuriant and beautiful.  Unless those who know, those who are guided and those who are loved, stand up for what is right and are led by the Spirit to play their part, this world will cease to exist.

“It will be destroyed by the horrors and darkness of the evil that has invaded the mind-sets of so many people.  Most of whom do not know why they behave in this way.  They just do, as a flock of sheep runs out together, not knowing why or where they are going.

          “Religion has been born, as a contraption of power over the minds of men and wars are fought in the names of it and these warriors turn their backs on the creation and the beauty that our Creator made.

“Light must enter their darkness of ignorance and all of those of us who know better must look to the opportunities that will be given to us to ensure that God’s love is for all people on this earth.  Young and old, all together in harmony and peace, as we once lived in the twilight of the northern mountains, where we loved each other and we gave thanks for all that we had.

“I come today to offer you the thought that we must all go out and do likewise and the Spirit of Our Creator will find a way to fan the flames, so what is wrong will be burnt away and the humble and loving and kind people will prosper in the Kingdom that he gave us once again.
“God bless you all.  Amen.”